For my 200th post I decided to do something a little different, rather than looking at my Star Wars collection, today I want to look at some of my own fan-works that I've created over the years, starting with this video.
This video was first made with the help of a friend back in April 2006, the music is Johnny Cash's cover of Hurt which I thought really suited the story of Anakin Skywalker. Over the last four and half years that video has managed over 190,000 views on YouTube and received over 400 positive comments. The version above only went live on YouTube this morning, I've made few corrections to the edit and greatly improved the ending. Hope you enjoy it, for anyone interested it can be downloaded here:
As well as video editting (which I plan to be doing a lot more of in the coming months) I'm also a big fan of using photoshop and wanted to share some of my images here as well. Now camera work is now my strongest suit (as I'm sure this blog has shown) so these are mostly created entirely in photoshop or using images pulled from Google.
This was created by using radial blurs and spiral distort filters to manipulate a picture of some clouds at sunset. I added grain and tweaked the colours then decided it would be cool to add R2 and 3PO and hey presto it's Star Wars art.
This is a still taken straight from TPM and into Photoshop, again I used radial blurs and then I played about with lighting layers and vibrancy filters.
A knocked this together to represent my character for Star Wars D&D. I was playing a Zabrak pilot so this is Bao-Dur from KOTOR II with his eyes and mouth replaced with my own including my beard then placed on Luke's body from ANH.
This a test image for a comic book that may or may not ever see the light of day. A friend and I have written scripts and drawn storyboards and are planning to create a comic series by taking screen shots from the KOTOR games into Photoshop.
Thanks for letting me indulge in today's post, check back soon as I get back to work posting my collection and thanks to all who regularly visit the blog.